Sunday, November 30, 2008

Make Your Money Machine – 2

Today I have discuss about Blogger, Google AdSense, Google AdSense Restriction :

What is Blogger?

Blogger is Google’s free tool for creating blogs. You can use blogs for everything from updating your friends and family about your life, giving your own advice column, discussing your political views, or relating your experience in a topic of interest.

What is AdSense?

AdSense is an ad-serving program run by Google. Earn money while displaying advertisement on your website/blogspot. When visitors click on these ads, Google pays you. Along with targeted advertising for your content pages, you can add a Google search box to your site and show targeted ads on search results pages.

NOTE : Read carefully Google AdSense Term and Condition and Google AdSense Program Policies

Google Restrictions:

Google restricts AdSense to non-pornographic web site. In addition, you may not use ads that may be confused with Google ads on the same page. If you use AdSense ads on search results the search results must use the Google search engine.

You may not click on your ads or encourage others to click on your ads with phrases like “Click on my ads”, you must also avoid mechanical or other methods of artificial inflating your page views or click. This is considered to be click fraud.

Click on to see previous article : Make your money Machine-1

This image only for Bangladeshi Peoples :

Make Your Money Machine - 1

Many people spend their time and money on internet for extra income. I inform to you that, if you really want extra income then you can work with google AdSense .

First thing, all of you need to build a website or start with a blog ( ). Many people may ask, how do you earn money now with this? It’s simple through advertisements on you web page. You need to register with AdSense and put some code on your website or blog. It’s take simple step discuses bellow :

Let Start :

1. If you have gmail account then you can sign in same ID and password. Who has not gmail account they can create account now on .

2. Now you go to for create a web page. It’s take three steps. The page shown like this : => 3. Create google AdSense account now. Collect your AdSense unit code and put on you web page or blog. =>
I think all of you will be benefit from this article.

Good Luck !!!!!!!!!

This Image only for Bangladeshi people :

Wangala A Major Festival Of The Garo

Wangala festival of the Garo’s is usually in the month of October after harvest. This is a thanksgiving festival and it is considered a taboo to take any crops from the Jhum fields without performing the Wangala.

Description of the Wangala Festival:
Since the main occupations of the Garos are Farming and Agriculture, they generally worship the Lord of Farming and Agriculture who would bless them with loads of blessings. The Wangala Festival is therefore a grand Carnival to celebrate the harvest season. This is because after year long toil the inhabitants find relief in seeing the golden harvest. So, they pay homage to the lord who has blessed them with such a splendid crop and sing and dance to offer worship to the great deity. Wangala Festival is also known in Meghalaya as the 100 Drums Festivals because 100 drums are played in reverence to the Lord.
The deity is none but the Sun God who comes out from the east and throws light upon the path of mankind; he enlightens the darkness and a healthy crop is thus accredited to him. The Garo also offer worship with dedication and care to the Sun-God by offering sacrifices. ‘Sun God’ at Garo is called ‘Saljong’ and is worshipped for two to seven days at a stretch. He is also regarded as the God of Fertility.

Wangala Dance :
The day of the celebration is fixed according to each village after the gathering of their crops. There are two basic stages to the Wangala namely 1. Chu-rugala and 2. Chachat -soa.

Chu-rugala – is a very solemn ritual performed by the priest (kamal) followed by the burning of incense. Rice, being the staple food, is used in many forms for all the rituals. Only rice beer specially prepared can be used during this festival. Powdered rice paste is used to decorate the Nokma’s (Chief) house first, and then other houses in the village.

Chachat soa – is the second stage. This ceremony starts again in the Nokma’s house where the sacred drum is kept. Rice is scattered all over the house symbolizing the rain and hail, the sowing season. Then incense is brunt and the smoke symbolizes rain clouds. Throughout the ceremony drums and gongs (rang) are played A meal is served followed by dancing in the Nokmas house which continues in the village throughout the night.
Note : Photo taken by Mr. Anutush Mrong (Tutul).